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Should you buy Alibaba Group (Baba) stock?

There are currently 14 buy ratings and 1 strong buy rating for the stock. The consensus among Wall Street analysts is that investors should "buy" BABA shares. View BABA analyst ratings or view top-rated stocks. What is Alibaba Group's stock price forecast for 2023?

How much should you buy Baba (Bab) in the next year?

Their BABA share price forecasts range from $120.00 to $180.00. On average, they predict the company's stock price to reach $149.40 in the next year. This suggests a possible upside of 81.1% from the stock's current price. View analysts price targets for BABA or view top-rated stocks among Wall Street analysts.

What is Alibaba Group's consensus rating & price target?

What is Alibaba Group's consensus rating and price target? According to the issued ratings of 15 analysts in the last year, the consensus rating for Alibaba Group stock is Buy based on the current 14 buy ratings and 1 strong buy rating for BABA.

Does Alibaba stock have a sell signal?

The Alibaba stock holds sell signals from both short and long-term moving averages giving a more negative forecast for the stock. Also, there is a general sell signal from the relation between the two signals where the long-term average is above the short-term average.

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